Tuition and Policies


Revolve Dance Alliance is the premier dance studio in Liverpool, NY. While we pride ourselves on being the most fun and family-friendly dance studio in CNY, we do have a few policies that keep things running like a well-rehearsed dance routine ready to take the stage! Keep scrolling to view our general policies, tuition and registration rates, and general guidelines on dance attire for class.


Dance Tuition

Tuition for Revolve Dance Alliance is based on a 44-week season, running from August through June. Tuition is based on the number of classes a dancer chooses to register for. Single class rates are available, and we also offer special 6-week sessions of certain programs.

Tuition payment is accepted via cash, check, or Venmo. At RDA, we’re pleased to offer a 10% sibling discount to those families with multiple children taking classes.

For Company members, additional costs may include outside choreography fees, costumes, competition fees, and master classes (Note: Company members and registered Revolve students pay a discounted rate for any and all guest master classes offered.)

A few additional notes regarding tuition:

  • Class payments are due on the 1st of the month. Any payment not received by the 7th of the month is subject to a $15 late fee.

  • All classes must be paid for whether in attendance or not. If your child misses a class or a class is canceled due to weather, we will provide an additional class time option to make up for the missed class.

  • All payments must be up to date to order costumes or participate in the end-of-year Showcase.


General Policies

At Revolve, we pride ourselves on providing the best dance experience in CNY for your child in a fun, family-friendly atmosphere. To keep things running as smooth as a well-rehearsed dance, we do have some general policies in place…

  • We DO NOT follow the school districts’ for school breaks. We follow general dates for Halloween, Thanksgiving break, winter break, February break, spring break, and Memorial Day weekend. Holidays will be announced at the beginning of the dance season. All updates will be posted on our Facebook page or you can register on our studio class app REMIND to receive studio updates right to your phone!

  • We DO NOT follow the school districts’ for cancellations or snow days. If a class needs to be canceled due to snow or inclement weather, it will be listed on our Facebook page and online parent portal.

  • No costume will be ordered without payment having been received in full.

  • All dancers must wear dance appropriate attire at every class. See below for more details on dance attire.

  • All parents must wait in the waiting room while class is in session. Parents are not permitted to enter the classroom while classes are in session. If you are asked to enter a classroom for information, please be sure to remove your shows. Any student waiting for their class to begin must also wait in the waiting room. This is to prevent any distractions to the dancers during their class time.

  • Flyers and any other relevant information will be posted in the waiting room. Please be sure to check the board often to say up-to-date on any important announcements. Information will include costumes, Showcase, pictures, competitions, master class announcements, rehearsal schedules, and other important events.

  • There will be no cell phones allowed during class times.

  • No food or drinks, except water, are allowed in the studio and classrooms.

  • If at any time you have questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with a Director or the office manager.

Dance Attire

At Revolve, we do not have a strict dance attire policy per age level or class, though there are a few things to remember…

  • No jeans allowed

  • Appropriate footwear for the class is required (ie: tap shoes for tap class)

  • Hair should be secured in a ponytail or bun and out of their face

For students just getting started with dance and joining our pre-k kinder dance program, click an item below to see examples of the attire and shoes we recommend for your child…



We cannot wait to have you join Revolve Dance Alliance and become a team member at RDA! Click the button below to register online. Please note, a $20 registration fee is required upon initial registration and annually as a member of Revolve.